Keyword Analysis for Envato Products

Analyze your position for particular search terms and be on the top of the results for customer searches.
Author Desk - keyword banner

How it Works

Identify the relevant search terms for product

Collect the list of keywords that suites best to the product for which users are searching the product.
Author Desk - keyword


Author Desk - keyword


Add those keywords as a Tags on Envato Product

Collect the list of keywords that suites best to the product for which users are searching the product.

Keep a track of your position for each keyword

After adding keywords to the product, the system will automatically start tracking the positions of the product for that keyword on Envato searches.
Author Desk - keyword


Author Desk - keyword


Track the position of your competitors for keyword

At the same time, the system will also start tracking the position of all the competitors you have added for all your keywords as well.

Our Features

Keywords Tracking

Start Tracking keywords that are relevant to the product for searches on the Envato market.

Keyword Positions

Know the exact position of the product on Envato Market for any given keywords and your tags.

Competitor Positions

Track your competitor positions as well for the tags on searches on Envato Market.


Our Clients

Early-Bird Launch

Everything you need as an Envato Author is bundled into AuthorDesk.
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