How to Successfully Approve Product on CodeCanyon

How to Successfully Approve Product on CodeCanyon

There are a lot of authors who complain that their items have been either Hard Rejected or Soft Rejected a lot of times by Envato Review Team. Envato has become very strict in terms of the quality of items that the Authors are submitting. It has very strict checks which every item needs to pass.

A lot of authors ask us, what things they should consider or keep in mind before submitting an item to CodeCanyon. Some of these Authors are really new to CodeCanyon space. We were also new to this and a lot of our items are also get rejected by the review team many times. But by all these rejections, we have prepared a very good list of checks that the Envato Review team checks while each item. So we have created our list of items that we check before every submission and now we are able to approve our items with minimum rejections.

So in this series, we will discuss all checks that we do on our item before we submit it to CodeCanyon. We will be publishing multiple parts as the list is very long. And we hope it will help our other fellow Authors to approve their items in minimum time. Below is the list of Posts:

1. Do not use CDN URLs for assets ( Stylesheets, Javascript Libraries, etc.)

2. Do not use Inline Styles on Pages

3. Coming soon…

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